FIER vitrine SS15

Designer Exhibition Party

The next edition of FIER vitrine takes place in Berlin during Berlin Fashion Week on July 8, 2014 at Lehrter Siebzehn.


Over 500 selected guests of the Berlin creative scene, including journalists, photographers, stylists and video makers attend the designer exhibition party.


This edition will feature: 


40decibels (Canada)

Alexandra Hackett (Australia)

Genaro Rivas (Peru)

Karin Brettmeister (Germany)

Laura Banfield (Australia)

Laura Galati (Australia)

Maja Daphne-Holzborn (Germany)

Ocksa (Brazil)

Ruins of Modernity (Austria)

Senhor Prudencio (Portugal)

Vasso Consola (Greece)


Date: July 08, 2014

Time: 7pm till midnight

Address:  Lehrter SiebzehnLehrterstr. 17, 3 Floor, Courtyard, 10557 Berlin


Free entry, Di Saronno Open Bar until 9pm



To request accrediation, RSVP by signing up to our maliling list on the right.


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